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favourite things (mostly)

 Hey. It’s been minute since I’ve written a single thing. 

 I’ll tell you truthfully that a big part of the reason I’m back in the first place, is because lovely Autumn (tagged below) posted a list of her favourite bloggers, and I was one of them. I don't deserve the title, HONESTLY, but I was like, "oh wow, I'm so honoured!" And then I was like "Oh WoW, I haven't posted since July." (I know, some "favourite blogger" I am, right?) So I was like, "goodness, I really should post again." SO HERE I AM. YA MISS ME? probably not.

 I've been through the stage where I decide, "Oh, I 'm going to start writing every week, and do all these cool posts." I've been there, it's gone, it's in the past now. I am finally wise enough (honestly not, I just finally KNOW myself well enough) to realize that I may post next week, and mayybeee even the week after if we're lucky (or unlucky, I don't know). But after that, things are realllyy not certain. Most likely, I will again wait three months before I post. And I realize how sad this is, and I apologize, but that's a burden you'll just have to bear. It's part of being a subscriber to my blog. (In that case, you might possibly want to unsubscribe now, while you have the chance.) 

 And now that I've used four pairs of parentheses in just two paragraphs, let's continue, shall we?

I thought it was about time, since I was tagged for this on July 19... OOF.
There's always rules ✌
  ✔ Thank and link back to the person who tagged you. (Thanks, Autumn. By the way, just a slight interruption ladies and gentlemen, please DO click on that name above, because she's a darling. And an excellent blogger. Plus she write's SO MUCH MORE CONSISTENTLY than I do, and she's doing this 30 day challenge thing for the month of september, so you get to read a new post every single day. It's glorious.)

 ✔ Thank and link back to the person who started the tag. (Beth, I don't know you, but your blog name is really cute. And I appreciate VERY MUCH that you used the Julie Andrews picture for the cover.)

 ✔ Write your eight favourite things in the post. We'll get to that soon.

✔ Add at least 2 pictures in your post that are related to your favourite things.

✔ Tag eight people. But I won't be doing that. I'm not normally a huge rule-breaker, it's just simply impossible since I don't know enough people who haven't already been tagged. 

✔ Put the eight rules in your blog post.

✔ Include the picture above as the cover photo. Who wouldn't, because like I said, it's excellent.

✔ Have fun. I plan on it.

Before we start: the most IMPORTANT things to me are of course, Christ, my family, and my friends. Just because they aren't on this list, doesn't mean those aren't my favourite things too. In fact they are at the very top of the favourites list. I simply interpret "favourite things" as little things that you don't necessarily know about me. I hope no one is offended by that!

 Okay, let's do it. 😂

(PLEASE tell me you got it.)

Now let's actually begin.

1. Loki
So technically, he's a villain, but if you're a fan of extreme sarcasm, Loki is for you. And I am. So there we have it. He probably shouldn't have come number one on the list, but he was the first one that popped up since just today I was drawing a picture of  Loki, which I am planning on having framed and giving to my cousin (who is also a huge fan) for her birthday next month. 

2. ORGANIZATIONNN ( specifically, The Home Edit)

 This is a weird one. ("Like, I knowww Natalia, we all know you're weird.") But for real guys, this is one of the things that makes me just incredibly happy for no particular reason. I SERIOUSLY am considering becoming a professional organizer. The gorgeous picture above was done by the amazing Clea and Joanna, founders of The Home Edit. There's a show called "Get Organized With the Home Edit" on Netflix, and gahhh it's incredible. 

3. Hamilton

 I actually learned a lot of history from this movie. It's entirely singing/rapping, so if you memorize the songs, you memorize facts. It's insanely well written. 

4. Pinterest

 It's so much fun. If you don't have pinterest, you should get it. If you do and I don't follow you, then put your username in the comments and I will. 

5. Mini goldendoodles

6. Fall
It is, without a doubt, my favourite season. (And no, not because of pumpkin spice lattes, even though they're good.)

7. Books

Oh yes. Some of the best ones? The Hunger Games, The Penderwick's, and anything by Jane Austin. Yes, I just gave you recommendations from three different genres: sci-fi, modern fiction, and period dramas/romance novels. 😂 You'll have variety at least. 

8. Music

 Huge fan of Taylor Swift's new-ish album right now. It's very amazing. Listen to it. Do.

 And that brings this post to a close. It's fairly long, so hopefully it satisfies your needs for a rambly-ish blog post for a while. 

 Au revoir, my friends.



  1. Yay!!! Loved this!!💗💓💗 aww, that first role paragraph was the sweetest!! You're a darling too😍 I got that!! 🤩*laughs* That organization picture looks the coolest!!!!!! Mini Goldendoodles😍Books😍Music😍

    1. ❤️I’m just so sorry it took me so long. 🙈 but yesss, if you liked the organization picture, you should watch their show. The entire process is reallyyy cool.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Girllll autumn is my favorite season too🍁🍂😍 and I love books. Autumn and books are the perfect match📚🍁🧡 I can't say I love lattes though🥺 (especially not chai ones😉😄)

    1. Fall and books ARE a good match, aren't they. And yes, somehow I remember that you don't have a fondness for lattes. (Especially chai, yes.)😂

  4. Howdy! Ok ngl Loki is honestly amazing. He's horrible, but amazing. You whole list is awesome.
    Books, Hunger Games? I am honestly a Hunger Games freak! I have all the books (Including the prequel) And I want all of the movies! (I've seen all of them.)

    1. Yes. Horrible and amazing both. Confusing, but true. I'm a Hunger Games freak too. I LOVE the books, and I really want to watch the movies, just haven't gotten that far yet. :) I have all the books too, but not the prequel.

  5. Hi! I just found your blog and really enjoyed this post. I've actually never seen/heard Hamilton, but other than that, I agree with everything on your list. And yes, I did get it. ;) If you want to check my blog out (just to see who this random person commenting on your blog is), it's

    -Katelyn :)

    1. Well thank you for taking the time to read this. :) it's always fun to see a comment from somebody new. You should watch Hamilton or AT LEAST listen to the soundtrack on Spotify. It's pretty cool. The first song in the soundtrack is really cool. The best part is that the whole broadway show was written completely by one guy (Lin Manuel Miranda) and he's also the actor for the main character. So that's kind of insane.

  6. I love Loki too!!! I have also drawn him before. I would love to see your art work!! May we?

    1. yesss TEAM LOKI. ✌😂 goodness, he's my favourite character ever right now. Is your drawing of him on your blog? Because I personally would very much love to see it. You're quite a bit more talented than I am, so asking me to share my artwork makes me a little nervous, but I'll definitely think about it. 😉

  7. Hey I love this post!! And the organization thing... totally thats me!! I love organizing!! The rest is really good to!! Music 😍 books 😍 minidoodles 😍 awww

    1. I'm SO glad you liked it. 😘 And yes, organizing is somehow therapeutic. :)


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