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to ramble (not completely following the blog theme this time, sorry)

 I have cool friends who have been writing cool and witty things during this whole pandemic-y thing. So of course I had to go along with it and be cool and witty as well.

 The above paragraph is not a lie, I promise. But is maybe only half of the actual truth...The real deal is that about twenty minutes ago, I sat down at the computer, fully intending to finish my research paper once and for all. I spent a good three and a half hours on that incredibly irritating piece of writing yesterday, and almost ALMOST finished it. So of course I was just like, yeahhh let's get the thing over with so I don't have to take a weekend break and start back at it again on Monday. (me fact: I do that a lot. Somehow I manage to push myself way too hard on stuff like writing and schoolwork and chores and get exhausted with it, and also be a procrastinator at the same time. Who knew that was possible. Probably no one, because it makes zero sense.)

 ANYWAY. I started reading other people's blogs and I did get  slightly sidetracked, yes, but I promise it's still on my mind and I'll be back at it again soon. Writing here is also good I think, considering I haven't posted a thing since... um. let me check. OH MY GOODNESS. I honestly just checked. Guys I'm so sorry. I had no idea it had been that long. Has it really been almost a year??? ouch. But maybe I don't have to be sorry because I'm pretty sure that so far there has been nothing at all inspirational about this post. So maybe I should just be sorry for posting again. Like, I don't know, let me know what you think.

 On that incredibly depressing note, let us continue on with the rest of the post and why I'm here in the first place. To ramble. But wait. PLOT TWIST. Rambling is all I ever do, since talking normally and with a certain amount of intelligence is not one of my stronger points. And so I've gotten through the intro, only to find that rambling is all that I've been doing anyway. That's disappointing, because it spoils my main reason for being here.

 Do I know what to ramble about? Well, no. Should I even ramble at all? probably not.

 But TOO BAD FOR YOU because I'm gonna ramble anyway.

 French. French is a bore. I do not recommend. Well I mean, here's thing, right. So I love languages and the idea of this beautiful language flowing freely from my mouth, is fascinating actually. (because it really is a beautiful language, but "flowing freely from my mouth" was not a beautiful or even slightly good phrase to use there.) But DO I HAVE THE PATIENCE TO SIT FOR AN HOUR EVERY DAY TO STUDY FRENCH? no. That is simple. I don't mind it some days. Some days I actually definitely DO mind it. Some days I just don't do it at all, because. just because. I'm expected to study pretty much every day all summer long, but come on. We all know that's not realistic. I mean. this is me we're talking about. I don't do the unrealistic. (I mean, generally speaking anyway. sometimes i'm completely unrealistic in only an incredibly strange way, and it's sad. Too bad I can't be unrealistic in the "achieve the unachievable" way.) Also, the actual speaking of the language is my favorite part. I can do a French accent, I will give myself some credit. But like, that's about it. ah well. C'est la vie (look that up on google translate). I'm fine, I promise. It's good for me to do something with these days at home.

 These days at home. Like can I just see some people please. Going to stop there. Because.

 But actually, no reason to complain. Tomorrow we are having a crowd of people over. Today I cleaned pretty much the whole house for that exact purpose. And I cleaned HARD. Mom was in town, and Liesl and I were expected to do the cleaning. But we all know how that goes. Long story short.... I cleaned the house today. Only me. Liesl helped. Actually Liesl helped quite a bit. So I guess Liesl and I did clean the house. We listened to "High Hopes" and "Think About Things" while we were at it. That was enjoyable. And I actually do not mind cleaning. Except bathrooms. Bathrooms are evil.

 Right now I am craving chocolate cake.

 I have tried listening to podcasts and audio books, but I don't think I have an attentive enough brain. Sometimes it works, but normally it doesn't. Does anyone know of some genuinely-interesting-and-not-too-deep podcasts I could listen to? Maybe I could get into them, I don't know... I tried listening to this one called "a hot dog is a sandwich," and got through the first episode. Basically, these chefs discuss things like whether cereal is considered soup, whether boneless wings are actually wings (they aren't) and so on and so forth. Pretty fascinating, but here's why I only listened to one episode: I went into "Is Cereal Soup?" fully expecting them to come to the conclusion that cereal is not soup. I was mistaken. These chefs thought THAT CEREAL IS SOUP. CEREAL IS NOT SOUP. it is not.

 and so podcasts are forever ruined for me. that is completely overly dramatic, I know. I'm not serious.

 speaking of dramatic.... I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "UH-OHHHHH" Because who is the queen of overdramticness? me. And you're not wrong for thinking "UH-OHHHHH," because you may think I'm a complete idiot after I tell you this story. But I'm going to risk that and tell you anyway. Good content.

 So here's the story: (I say story, when really it could be explained in one sentence. But we all know I cannot tell an over dramatic story in only one sentence, so there you have it.) STORY: on Thursday evening I went into the pantry. I noticed that it is a good pantry, very full of food. On the chip shelf, I saw a bag of tortilla chips. Our family eats a lot of chips and salsa. And what do you think I noticed about this bag of tortilla chips. Well, it was unopened and completely brand new. but, and here is where you have to pay attention, so I may as well use caps lock. THIS BRAND-NEW BAG OF CHIPS WAS BARELY FILLED AT ALL. (edit: I realize that this is the case with a lot of chip bags, and so you might think that I'm just being stupid. Well I am being slightly stupid, but this bag was worse than any you've ever seen, so don't judge me yet, finish the story.) It was the kind of bag that has a see-through part in the packaging, and you could SO EASILY tell that you were being completely and utterly ripped off. First of all, what kind of brain decides that you should fill a chip bag only one-third of the way full? That's a waste of a plastic bag. (SAVE THE TURBLES. thank you, Alivia @ Second of all, if your going to rip someone off that bad, why would you make it possible for them to see that you are ripping them off? So yes, I had a little emotional breakdown over that, but we are slowly recovering. Thank you for asking.

 On a slightly more serious note (I know. "thank goodness," right?) Do you guys think I should change the blog up a bit? This is seriously the most fun I've ever had writing before, and I don't know if the other idea is really me anymore. I mean, people change in just one year, you know ( I do still apologize that it's been that long.) Let me know if you liked this post better or worse than the other ones....

 One last thing. I want to give a huge thank you to CAPS LOCK and (parentheses). Without them, I would not have been able to write this post at all.


  1. LOVE IT!! (Soo awesome!!) *laugh till I almost die*

    1. this means so much to me, since I spent a good part of the afternoon thinking I was making a fool out of myself. 😂Thank you

    2. I just reread you comment again. I think I am an utter fool right now. I can't believe I didn't notice the CAPS LOCK (parentheses) thing right away. I love your humor Autumn. 😂

    3. thank you *bow and blush*

    4. And yes, you are very welcome

  2. Love it Tillie!! And yes, changing your blog would be totally cool with me.......I mean do what makes you most happy, right??

    1. Ah I'm so glad you liked it. I got the inspiration from you, Liv, and Autumn, so I guess we have you three to thank. It makes me happy to know that you had fun reading it though. And you're right. I think writing like this makes me happier. It's easier really, just writing literally whatever pops into my head. 😂 I'm glad to know you approve.


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